Thursday, October 22, 2015

Trey Gowdy looks like a skeleton.

There I've said it. Call me politically incorrect but he is the embodiment of the entire right wing of American politics. Standing there long after the flesh has withered and rotted, long after the brain has registered its last reasonable thought, long after the corpse has been laid in the ground Trey Gowdy is a perfect Republican symbol of decay.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


“Jeb, why did your brother attack and [destabilize] the Middle East by invading Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction?” Trump tweeted Sunday. “Bad info?”

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Who is killing terrorists?

What individual is responsible for more premature deaths of the world's terrorists, than any other?

Is it the Pope? Nope not the Pope.
Is it Ted Cruz. No not the cruzer.
Is it Putin? Nope he has only killed Ukrainians up til now.
Is it Al Sharpton? No not the Reverend.
Is it Bibi Netanyahu. Only if mother and babies are included.

Then who is it?

Its the black man. The communist Muslim. The guy born anywhere, everywhere not America. That is right folks. There is only one individual responsible for thousand upon thousands of dead terrorists. That's Obama.