From FP artical by David Rothkopf
"Plenty of blame lies with Trump,
who has consistently chosen to take the low road on the campaign trail
unless an even lower one was available to him. By attacking Mexicans and
Muslims and cherished American values, he has stirred up hatred and
fear whenever he thought it would play to his advantage. He has promised
to violate our Constitution and once again ridiculed our values with
his assertion
that he would do something “much worse” than waterboarding terrorists.
He is repulsive. But he has also demonstrated enough smarts that we can
know this kind of vileness is a choice. He believes it is working for
him…because it is.
And it’s for this reason, that
far worse than Trump are those who are choosing to vote for him. They
argue that he is an alternative to the status quo and that alone is
sufficient justification for giving such a man a better chance at
becoming president with each of their votes. They buy into his proposed
false choice between the corruption and dysfunction of Washington and
“anything else.” They ignore his utter lack of qualifications. They
sidestep his twisted and repugnant character or lack thereof. They are
more to blame than the candidate. Any idiot can declare he wants to be
president of the United States; it takes a real special kind of
disregard for facts, national interests, our children’s future, and
America’s standing in the world to actually vote for such an idiot."