On May 16th 2011, the Donald decided not to run for the Republican nomination. Comedians everywhere are in despair of finding a replacement.
I'm happy the Newt is running. He can be funny. Really!
Ah who am I kidding?
Monday, May 16, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
An American Third Party
The Republican party seems to be wandering into a sea of hurt where their ancestors have gone before. According to a Gallup poll released on Monday, a majority of Republicans for the first time, said we need a third party in American politics. At 52% Republican support for a third party is at an all time high in Gallup polling; still, a whopping 60% of self styled Tea Party supporters said a third party was necessary.
The problem seems to be that Republicans don't like their own kind. That is to say certain Republican don't like other types of Republicans and the differences between the two groups is causing a tremendous amount of friction.
Mainstream or Wall Street Republicans and the more radical Tea Party affiliated Republicans have very different approaches to achieving, what at first, seemed like a unified agenda. The Tea Party people, who were supported and financed at first by main stream Republicans and their big business allies are now appearing like out of control Frankenstein's monsters attacking their own creators and the very institutions which empowered them in the first place. Dick Armey and David Koch bite your tongue.
Tea Partiers have been issuing veiled threats to challenge Republican Party nominees since just after the November election, but now they are getting serious about it. In a special election to fill New York's 26th Congressional District, a traditionally Republican seat, Democratic candidate, Kathy Hochul has recently taken a lead over Republican, Jane Corwin and Tea Party candidate, Jack Davis. Splitting some 55% of the vote between them the Republican and Tea Party candidates are very likely going to elect the Democrat.
We have seen this unfolding scenario before in U.S. History and whether the issue was anti Catholicism of the 1850s 'Know Nothing' American Party, the pro agrarian, anti Gold standard of the late 19th Century Populist movement, the anti Corporation progressive movement of Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, or Ross Perot's Reform Party, the outcome of these attempts to gain national power with third parties has been the same. While third parties have had some success at state levels, as soon as they gained national prominence they only succeeded in achieving defeat for themselves, their agendas and the major party most aligned with them.
After their defeat in the national election of 1856 and following the racist 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision that exacerbating the slavery issue, what was left of the 'Know Nothings' in the north became Republicans. Strange now the Republicans are becoming know nothings again.
The problem seems to be that Republicans don't like their own kind. That is to say certain Republican don't like other types of Republicans and the differences between the two groups is causing a tremendous amount of friction.
Mainstream or Wall Street Republicans and the more radical Tea Party affiliated Republicans have very different approaches to achieving, what at first, seemed like a unified agenda. The Tea Party people, who were supported and financed at first by main stream Republicans and their big business allies are now appearing like out of control Frankenstein's monsters attacking their own creators and the very institutions which empowered them in the first place. Dick Armey and David Koch bite your tongue.

We have seen this unfolding scenario before in U.S. History and whether the issue was anti Catholicism of the 1850s 'Know Nothing' American Party, the pro agrarian, anti Gold standard of the late 19th Century Populist movement, the anti Corporation progressive movement of Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party, or Ross Perot's Reform Party, the outcome of these attempts to gain national power with third parties has been the same. While third parties have had some success at state levels, as soon as they gained national prominence they only succeeded in achieving defeat for themselves, their agendas and the major party most aligned with them.
After their defeat in the national election of 1856 and following the racist 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision that exacerbating the slavery issue, what was left of the 'Know Nothings' in the north became Republicans. Strange now the Republicans are becoming know nothings again.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Retreating Elephants: How the Right over reached. Again!
The election of 2010 will go down in history as a monumental victory for the Republican party, and a total repudiation of President Obama's entire agenda-Ya Right!
Unstoppable last November, the Republican Party and their conservative Tea Party allies charged into Washington taking over the House of Representative with the greatest turn over of seats in any modern midterm election. Many State Houses and Governorships also turned over and an agenda to produce jobs and reign in debt supposedly was to begin. No one explained how these seemingly contradictory goals could be achieved, but in the glow of the election victory this didn't seem to matter.

Fast forward six months and it is looking like the Republicans have miscalculated the American public's willingness to fight the debt at all costs, if the costs include dismantling the very popular Medicare program. This latest episode of Republican tin ear, stems from the Republican budget plan, which is "only a plan" mind you, (even though it was passed in the House with all but three Republicans voting in favor). Crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan, the budget relies heavily on the elimination of our current Medicare system in favor of a voucher program to achieve its projected $1.6 trillion deficit reduction. Republicans also want you to believe it isn't a voucher program but instead is a "premium support program".
From its first days after being introduced on April 5th this year the 'Ryan budget' encountered series push back from seniors at town hall meetings, and in the polls. In a recent Quinnipiac poll voters 60 - 34 percent said Medicare should remain intact. Respondents also thought giving responsibility for Medicaid to the states was a bad idea by 54 - 38 percent.
Realizing the dilemma they have put themselves in many Republicans are backing away from their own budget, just weeks after they voted for it nearly unanimously. It seems the political landscape changed dramatically last week and in the light of previous opposition to their signature budget plan and a gross under estimation of President Obama's adroit skills as Commander and Chief, among other missteps, the Republicans are in full retreat.
One should remember, Kenyans know how to deal with elephants and Americans like Medicare.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Iconic Osama, Best of the Best Osama Art.
Now that the Obama administration has refused, (for the time being) to release the death photos of Osama bin Laden, the world is suddenly obsessed with images of the dead terrorist. Certainly before he died the image of the elusive bin Laden had been used frequently in fine art and in the art of photoshop editors. Since his death a few short days ago, image editors from around the world have gone into hyper drive printing, drawing and photoshopping the terrorists image in very imaginative and interesting ways. Like so many others who reached virtual immorality after death, such as Jesus Christ, George Washington, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, Osama has now taken his place among historical world icons
Some funny, some sad, many irreverent uses of Osama images can be seen with a simple Google search. But to get the best of the best Osama images that are out there, Baldy Trump's own editors have been up all night picking and choosing some of the finest images available on the internet.
And so from the 9/11 past to the post execution present, from clip art to fine art, from poster art to shirt art to street art, Baldy Trump presents the best of the best of Osama art for our reader's review. Please load slide show for a look:
Disclaimer: Baldy Trump is happy to give credit for any artist who requests it. Please email and your attribution will be added to your artwork. And on behalf of Baldy Trump and our readers thanks and keep up the good work.
Some funny, some sad, many irreverent uses of Osama images can be seen with a simple Google search. But to get the best of the best Osama images that are out there, Baldy Trump's own editors have been up all night picking and choosing some of the finest images available on the internet.
And so from the 9/11 past to the post execution present, from clip art to fine art, from poster art to shirt art to street art, Baldy Trump presents the best of the best of Osama art for our reader's review. Please load slide show for a look:
Disclaimer: Baldy Trump is happy to give credit for any artist who requests it. Please email and your attribution will be added to your artwork. And on behalf of Baldy Trump and our readers thanks and keep up the good work.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
End Times for Donald Trump
Trump was getting some great press there for awhile, but it all kind of fell apart with the President releasing his birth certificate and then going on to humiliate 'the Donald' at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Of course that same day President Obama made the decision to take out Osama bin Laden, so it was a twofer weekend for the President.
Earlier in the month Trump had been vetted by Rev. Franklin Graham son and heir to Rev. Billy Graham who was one of our first national evangelical leaders and adviser to many presidents. When asked if Mr Trump was his favorite candidate, Rev Graham the younger told ABC's "This Week" program, "Sure, yes... When I first saw that he was getting in, I thought, well, this has got to be a joke," Rev Graham said. "But the more you listen to him, the more you say to yourself, you know, maybe this guy's right." At the time Trump was polling at the top of the Republican heap of presidential candidates with a robust 40 plus percent and attacking the president non stop on the now defunct Birther issue.
Franklin Graham, no stranger to the far side of conservative politics called the March 11th earth quake and tsunami in Japan, the probable start of the end times, and had previously challenged Obama's citizenship and even his faith. Graham said, "Now he (Obama) has told me that he is a Christian...For him, going to church means he's a Christian. For me, the definition of a Christian is whether we have given our life to Christ and are following him in faith and we have trusted him as our lord and savior." Apparently Graham can look into people's souls. Can you imagine Billy Graham questioning Johnson's and Nixon's faith, or Reagan's and Bush's religious conviction?
Trump, twice divorced and a previous supporter of abortion rights, would hardly seem a good fit for the most devout Rev. Franklin Graham, so it is fair to ask what the two might have in common. After much consideration it seems they both have had a nightmarish encounter with the same brown skinned, eloquent and competent anti-Christ and a date with a fast approaching end times. In Trump's case it is the end times of his presidential aspirations.
Also curious is the idea of endorsing political candidates in the midst of the end times. It seems a little late for presidential politics.
Earlier in the month Trump had been vetted by Rev. Franklin Graham son and heir to Rev. Billy Graham who was one of our first national evangelical leaders and adviser to many presidents. When asked if Mr Trump was his favorite candidate, Rev Graham the younger told ABC's "This Week" program, "Sure, yes... When I first saw that he was getting in, I thought, well, this has got to be a joke," Rev Graham said. "But the more you listen to him, the more you say to yourself, you know, maybe this guy's right." At the time Trump was polling at the top of the Republican heap of presidential candidates with a robust 40 plus percent and attacking the president non stop on the now defunct Birther issue.
Franklin Graham, no stranger to the far side of conservative politics called the March 11th earth quake and tsunami in Japan, the probable start of the end times, and had previously challenged Obama's citizenship and even his faith. Graham said, "Now he (Obama) has told me that he is a Christian...For him, going to church means he's a Christian. For me, the definition of a Christian is whether we have given our life to Christ and are following him in faith and we have trusted him as our lord and savior." Apparently Graham can look into people's souls. Can you imagine Billy Graham questioning Johnson's and Nixon's faith, or Reagan's and Bush's religious conviction?
Trump, twice divorced and a previous supporter of abortion rights, would hardly seem a good fit for the most devout Rev. Franklin Graham, so it is fair to ask what the two might have in common. After much consideration it seems they both have had a nightmarish encounter with the same brown skinned, eloquent and competent anti-Christ and a date with a fast approaching end times. In Trump's case it is the end times of his presidential aspirations.
Also curious is the idea of endorsing political candidates in the midst of the end times. It seems a little late for presidential politics.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dead bin Laden Photo Fake
Here at Baldy Trump we appreciate a great photo shop that has the ability to go the extra mile.
In this case, the photo highlighted here at BT yesterday and today, fooled not only our editors but editors from around the world.
Kudos go out to the great photoshop artist that put this one together.
The news is Osama bin Laden is dead. And we the world want to see it. So until the Obama administration sees fit to publish what they have, or until Trump says something really stupid again, I'll keep fake Osama's corpse up there.
Either way it won't be long.
Click the orange link below to see how the fake was done and who else it fooled:
The sorted story of the fake Osama corpse pic.
Post Script: time waits for no man. Since Obama has decided to stiff us and Trump has fallen off the planet, Baldy Trump has decided to move on.
In this case, the photo highlighted here at BT yesterday and today, fooled not only our editors but editors from around the world.
Kudos go out to the great photoshop artist that put this one together.
The news is Osama bin Laden is dead. And we the world want to see it. So until the Obama administration sees fit to publish what they have, or until Trump says something really stupid again, I'll keep fake Osama's corpse up there.
Either way it won't be long.
Click the orange link below to see how the fake was done and who else it fooled:
The sorted story of the fake Osama corpse pic.
Post Script: time waits for no man. Since Obama has decided to stiff us and Trump has fallen off the planet, Baldy Trump has decided to move on.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Some classy Republicans and then some classless ones.
You would think that the death of Osama bin Laden would signal a call of celebration for all Americans regardless of political affiliation or philosophy. If anyone could have been called the enemy of all Americans, it was the mastermind of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; the worst attack on US soil in our nation's history. And to their credit most adult Republicans and particularly New York Republicans had enough class to give credit were credit is due.
Former New York Mayor, Rudy Guiliani, called President Obama's decision to take out bin Laden "courageous", and not without, "peril." New York Representative Peter King who is Chairman of the House Homeland Security committee, said, "It really was a tremendously skilled operation." King also said if the operation had failed it would have been the end of the Obama presidency.
Even Rush Limbaugh of all people had something nice to say about the operation and Obama's leadership. Limbaugh actually said, "Thank God for President Obama." He went on to describe the President's input, "...But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. President Obama. Not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, not a single military adviser came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any Special Forces."
And then the slack jawed yokels of the right wing speak up as illustrated in this sampling of chat board chatter:
"You must be joking if you think this will carry your loser to victory in 2012, especially if the terrorist plan some major retaliation attack for October 2012. This has solved nothing, Bin Ladens followers will only use it to make a martyr of him and to attack us with renewed zeal. Grow a brain.”
“With Osama dead without a trial/due process, the US has now been made a huge target because of Obama and Co. for terrorists."
“…thousands of American lives would not have been exterminated had Bill Clinton taken bin Laden when he was offered free of charge 3 times…13 years of hell because of liberal policies and Democrat incompetence.”
“Military are the heros, Obama is a terrorist/traitor”
“God bless Bush and Gitmo where the tip came from ...Obama issued an executive order to stop using enhanced interrogation techniques, but they continued the interrogations despite Obama not wanting us to gather the important life saving intel we need.”
“You can thank the 10 Navy Seals..... Mr Jr. Jiggs had nothing to do with it...”
“think about it -no one can dna test that fast –lol”
“Dolts dont remember Obama and his contemporaries fought the pursuit of OBL all the way. Tying the hands of our military and giving anti-American speeches on foriegn soil during a time of war.”
“…go ahead we will vote out your kool-aid savior in 2012, he is finished and killing every terrorist out there won't save his job!”
“Libs want to make Obumpa an honorary navy seal. Give him swimming lessons! Hah."
Sad folks really. My heart goes out to them and their inability to accept the good things happening to America simply because they are generated by a man of color who happens to be left of center.
Former New York Mayor, Rudy Guiliani, called President Obama's decision to take out bin Laden "courageous", and not without, "peril." New York Representative Peter King who is Chairman of the House Homeland Security committee, said, "It really was a tremendously skilled operation." King also said if the operation had failed it would have been the end of the Obama presidency.
Even Rush Limbaugh of all people had something nice to say about the operation and Obama's leadership. Limbaugh actually said, "Thank God for President Obama." He went on to describe the President's input, "...But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. President Obama. Not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, not a single military adviser came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any Special Forces."
And then the slack jawed yokels of the right wing speak up as illustrated in this sampling of chat board chatter:
"You must be joking if you think this will carry your loser to victory in 2012, especially if the terrorist plan some major retaliation attack for October 2012. This has solved nothing, Bin Ladens followers will only use it to make a martyr of him and to attack us with renewed zeal. Grow a brain.”
“With Osama dead without a trial/due process, the US has now been made a huge target because of Obama and Co. for terrorists."
“…thousands of American lives would not have been exterminated had Bill Clinton taken bin Laden when he was offered free of charge 3 times…13 years of hell because of liberal policies and Democrat incompetence.”
“Military are the heros, Obama is a terrorist/traitor”
“God bless Bush and Gitmo where the tip came from ...Obama issued an executive order to stop using enhanced interrogation techniques, but they continued the interrogations despite Obama not wanting us to gather the important life saving intel we need.”
“You can thank the 10 Navy Seals..... Mr Jr. Jiggs had nothing to do with it...”
“think about it -no one can dna test that fast –lol”
“Dolts dont remember Obama and his contemporaries fought the pursuit of OBL all the way. Tying the hands of our military and giving anti-American speeches on foriegn soil during a time of war.”
“…go ahead we will vote out your kool-aid savior in 2012, he is finished and killing every terrorist out there won't save his job!”
“Libs want to make Obumpa an honorary navy seal. Give him swimming lessons! Hah."
Sad folks really. My heart goes out to them and their inability to accept the good things happening to America simply because they are generated by a man of color who happens to be left of center.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Baldy Trump the Parasite
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Click me for blow up |
He is sucking the air and the life out of the Republican Party. But I can't say it bothers me a whole lot.
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