The election of 2010 will go down in history as a monumental victory for the Republican party, and a total repudiation of President Obama's entire agenda-Ya Right!
Unstoppable last November, the Republican Party and their conservative Tea Party allies charged into Washington taking over the House of Representative with the greatest turn over of seats in any modern midterm election. Many State Houses and Governorships also turned over and an agenda to produce jobs and reign in debt supposedly was to begin. No one explained how these seemingly contradictory goals could be achieved, but in the glow of the election victory this didn't seem to matter.

Fast forward six months and it is looking like the Republicans have miscalculated the American public's willingness to fight the debt at all costs, if the costs include dismantling the very popular Medicare program. This latest episode of Republican tin ear, stems from the Republican budget plan, which is "only a plan" mind you, (even though it was passed in the House with all but three Republicans voting in favor). Crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan, the budget relies heavily on the elimination of our current Medicare system in favor of a voucher program to achieve its projected $1.6 trillion deficit reduction. Republicans also want you to believe it isn't a voucher program but instead is a "premium support program".
From its first days after being introduced on April 5th this year the 'Ryan budget' encountered series push back from seniors at town hall meetings, and in the polls. In a recent Quinnipiac poll voters 60 - 34 percent said Medicare should remain intact. Respondents also thought giving responsibility for Medicaid to the states was a bad idea by 54 - 38 percent.
Realizing the dilemma they have put themselves in many Republicans are backing away from their own budget, just weeks after they voted for it nearly unanimously. It seems the political landscape changed dramatically last week and in the light of previous opposition to their signature budget plan and a gross under estimation of President Obama's adroit skills as Commander and Chief, among other missteps, the Republicans are in full retreat.
One should remember, Kenyans know how to deal with elephants and Americans like Medicare.
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