Monday, May 2, 2011

Some classy Republicans and then some classless ones.

You would think that the death of Osama bin Laden would signal a call of celebration for all Americans regardless of political affiliation or philosophy. If anyone could have been called the enemy of all Americans, it was the mastermind of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; the worst attack on US soil in our nation's history. And to their credit most adult Republicans and particularly New York Republicans had enough class to give credit were credit is due.

Former New York Mayor,  Rudy Guiliani, called President Obama's decision to take out bin Laden "courageous", and not without, "peril." New York Representative Peter King who is Chairman of the House Homeland Security committee, said, "It really was a tremendously skilled operation."  King also said if the operation had failed it would have been the end of the Obama presidency.  

Even Rush Limbaugh of all people had something nice to say about the operation and Obama's leadership. Limbaugh actually said, "Thank God for President Obama." He went on to describe the President's input, "...But President Obama, perhaps the only qualified member in the room to deal with this, insisted on the Special Forces. No one else thought of that. President Obama. Not a single intelligence adviser, not a single national security adviser, not a single military adviser came up with the idea of using SEAL Team 6 or any Special Forces."

And then the slack jawed yokels of the right wing speak up as illustrated in this sampling of chat board chatter:

"You must be joking if you think this will carry your loser to victory in 2012, especially if the terrorist plan some major retaliation attack for October 2012. This has solved nothing, Bin Ladens followers will only use it to make a martyr of him and to attack us with renewed zeal. Grow a brain.”

“With Osama dead without a trial/due process, the US has now been made a huge target because of Obama and Co. for terrorists."

“…thousands of American lives would not have been exterminated had Bill Clinton taken bin Laden when he was offered free of charge 3 times…13 years of hell because of liberal policies and Democrat incompetence.”

“Military are the heros, Obama is a terrorist/traitor”

“God bless Bush and Gitmo where the tip came from ...Obama issued an executive order to stop using enhanced interrogation techniques, but they continued the interrogations despite Obama not wanting us to gather the important life saving intel we need.”

“You can thank the 10 Navy Seals.....   Mr  Jr. Jiggs had nothing to do with it...”

“think about it -no one can dna test that fast –lol”

“Dolts dont remember Obama and his contemporaries fought the pursuit of OBL all the way. Tying the hands of our military and giving anti-American speeches on foriegn soil during a time of war.”

“…go ahead we will vote out your kool-aid savior in 2012, he is finished and killing every terrorist out there won't save his job!”

“Libs want to make Obumpa an honorary navy seal. Give him swimming lessons! Hah."

Sad folks really. My heart goes out to them and their inability to accept the good things happening to America simply because they are generated by a man of color who happens to be left of center.




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