Sunday, March 8, 2020

The complete Trump Phrase Translator:

“Experts say . . . ” = Limbaugh and Hannity said . . .
“Everyone’s saying . . . ” = Someone in the Fox News comments section said . . .
“I’ve been hearing . . . ” = Barr told me . . .
“I’ve been seeing . . . ” = Ivanka showed me . . .
“A lot of people.” = Me.
"Nobody knew" = Everyone knew except me.
"Many People have told me" = Voices in my head and fictional people have complimented me.
"A lot of people don't know" = I just learned something most people already knew.
“It’s gonna be incredible.” = I haven’t thought about it—it’s in the future.
“It’s gonna be fantastic.” = I briefly thought about it, but will forget about it once my circadian rhythm resets.
“It’s gonna be terrific.” = I’ve passed it along to Congress, so blame them when it fails.
“It’s gonna be huge.” = It will be flashy and tacky.
“It’s gonna be so huge.” = It will be flashy and tacky, with gold lettering.
"In Fact" = I'm about to lie.
"Believe me" = I just lied.
“We’ll see what happens.” = I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I hope it makes me look good or I hope you forget about it.
"He's a great guy" = I will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about me.
“He’s the perfect man for the job.” = He’ll be great at obliterating the department he’s heading.
“He’s done an incredible job.” = He doesn’t lie as well as he used to, and may soon be fired.
“He’s a disappointment.” = Due to his slavish devotion to ethics, he’s been fired.
“He’s somewhat disappointing.” = I don’t like his beta-male looks and behavior, and, besides, he’s low-energy.
"Loser" = someone who makes me feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments.
"Liar" = Someone telling the truth about me
“Fake News” = something I said which has been recorded.
“He’s doing an incredible job.” = He works for me, and he’s a terrific liar.
“He’s a good kid.” = I don’t like his beta-male looks and behavior, but both Ivana and the paternity test say he’s my son.
“He’s a good man.” = I don’t know the guy, but he’s right here in front of me, smiling.
“He’s an excellent man.” = He may be smarter than me, but that does not make me dumber than him.
“I have the best memory” = Do I have another rally today or am I going golfing?
“I have all the best words.” = I cornered the market on some top-of-the-line monosyllabic words in a leveraged buyout.
“Only I can get it done” = “If you think this country’s bad off now, just wait till I get through with it.” (re: Groucho Marx in Duck Soup – 1933)
"The likes the world has never seen" = I have no idea what I just said but it sounded good.
"Policy Briefing" = Turning on Fox News.
"MAGA" = Making my pockets fatter off the American taxpayers.
"Huge" = moderate to below average in size.
“Facts.” = 1. Statements not yet verified by conspiracy theorists. 2. Statements—often from scientists—with no profit motive.
“Lies.” = 1. Statements about me colluding with Russia. 2. Un-airbrushed facts.
“Sad” = 1. All-purpose, monosyllabic expression of distress, remonstration, condemnation, anger, frustration, pique, or calumny. If tweeted, “Sad” appears as a single-word sentence fragment, followed by an exclamation point. As an utterance, it is shouted as if one is an umpire. 2. Rare, archaic: sorrowful.
“I’ve always been a good student.” = I attended school (sometimes).
“I’m not being investigated.” = It’s not an investigation if the detective isn’t wearing dark glasses and a fedora.
"I did nothing wrong." = I was caught breaking the Law.
"It was a perfect conversation" = They're willing to take the bribe.
"Loyalty" = They support me until I blame them for what I did wrong.
"I'm being treated very unfairly" = They're trying to make me accountable for my actions.
"Jobs BLOWOUT, 303,000" = I inflate numbers to make myself look Great. I deflate them to not pay taxes.
"Witch Hunt" = They're digging up evidence about my crimes.
"NEVER TRUMPERS" = They're not the poorly educated deplorable supporters I love.
"I'm not watching the hearings" = I'm too busy intimidating witnesses on twitter.
"I shouldn't be impeached." = I've been breaking Laws all my life, why should I stop now?
"I want nothing. I want nothing." = Repeating a lie enough times, they start to believe it.
"I do whatever I want."= I've been since GOP are in my back pocket and they don't care.
"They cheapened the importance of the very ugly word, impeachment." = I cheapened the Constitution by violating the LAW and they caught me.

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