Thursday, April 21, 2011

Republican World: A concept series. 0 second(s) ago

Living in Republican World will not be a happy place.

Only certain types will be allowed to vote.

Women will have to fill out forms for the government concerning their reproductive activity. If Republicans don't approve those women will be considered criminals.

Workers will loose all rights including fair wages, job safety, collective bargaining, child labor restriction, etc.

Minorities, soon to be majorities will be harassed, rounded up and the rest of us will be controlled via new citizenship restrictions based on our parents situation alone. Everyone will be issued national identity papers with a genetic profile that all citizens will have to pay for.

Wages and employment opportunities will degrade into near slavery with McDonalds being the coveted high paying employer. All levels of society will be fixed similar to the Hindu caste system.

With the end of the EPA and other watchdog agencies at state and federal levels, pollution of the land, water and air will accelerate, species extinction will hit a critical tipping point with the removal of all endangered species protections.

The world seeing the United States refuse blindly to accept the obvious harm done by global warming, will begin to see America as a global menace and long held allies will abandon our nation. Eventually they will be forced to attack America economically and finally militarily.

By this point most of American society will have devolved into enclaves protected by all sorts of militias with thousands of different agendas fighting among themselves for dominance.

Of course the EU and their Asian Tiger allies will roll over these militias in a few months and America will no longer exist.

Republican World. Coming to a country dear to you. 


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